ben griffiths
an insight into the mind of a genius

Archive for May, 2000

term is over, i finally get holiday :!:

Friday, May 26th, 2000

Yes its true, this term has now finally finished so I can begin my week of well earned holiday, boy am I gonna enjoy it!

Been a bit more scrict today, I decided I would actually take a stand and get the music down, so it was nice and peaceful during club today :)
Zak showed me what he had brought back from the Internet World 2000 show, which was great, he even got the 2 stress balls i asked for AND a t-shirt, aww, he’s a good man ;)
Best of all, some great pants! free from the umm, look stand or summit, if he ever puts them on, i’ll make sure the picture goes on the webcam!

I’ve now got the choice of going down the pub, staying here for a bit, or just going home. Not sure which to do, but I’m definately not going yet, it is tipping it down outside and I have no intention of getting soaked (yes i did forget my coat again!)

Oh, one good thing that happened today, my free book arrived today, from, god i cannot remember much today, well anyway it just came out and is £5.99, but some website was giving them away for free! yes, denada, zilch!

hmm, ahaha, just got an email from aucland, well that, saying your bid has been successful, please contact us to pay, WE WILL HONOUR YOUR BID… which would be great, except we know they won’t… gits… decided i prefer glow/lightsticks much better, which reminds me, must order some.

Anyway, for fear of running out of bandwidth, i will now part company to go downstairs and see whats happening there, oh and the counter won’t go up with each refresh now :)
see ya’ l8r

parking problems

Friday, May 26th, 2000

oh, this is good, it seems my dad has been rejected for a parking permit for not supplying the correct details of proof and stuff.

Now pretty reasonable you might say, after all they need to know it’s definately him, except.. cheryl works for the permit dept, i mean, why didn’t u say girl:?: I’m sure if he finds out he won’t be very happy :)
Maybe I’ll tell him…..

strange but true

Friday, May 26th, 2000

Things are now getting really complicated, I won’t post it here, but needless to say, I am pretty messed up, if you are to do with it, you know why…

As it gets nearer and nearer term, less things seem to be going wrong! The highlight of the day was a content advisor setting on one of the computers! Although, I do have 2 to reformat tomorrow, give me summit to do.

Decided I’m gonna take next week as holiday, lots of sleep, help me repair myself (i am sooo shattered atm). Jamie + co all going Feersum tomorrow, dunno if I will be up for it, although I still do have that pack of ProPlus :)
Met up with everyone on #england again, hey, i seem to be coming a bit of a regular, people even know who I am and say hello to me! RESULT!

Still can’t believe what such a good buy this cd was, could play it all the time, now if only i had someone to go Peach with, then all would be most excellent, still ain’t heard nothing back about the iCE things, I’m going to try and wangle them out of them for cheap!

Anyway, am shattered to pieces now, cy’all l8r :D

EON Ice torches, pissing me off :mad:

Thursday, May 25th, 2000

just found out that the auction I had entered at aucland to get som cool little clubbing torches has the wrong price set :(
They were avaiable at £6, but after a call to the lot that sell them, it seems that that was wrong and they are really £8 each with £2.50 postage :(
I mean, thats the equivilant of, hmmm, 9 and a half glowsticks, which are infinately more fun anyway :eek: so I don’t know what to do, i’ll decide tomorrow, its just i wanted them for sunny’s, which incidently is the last one @ crash :(
You should check that site out though, they even have replica phoneboxes!

Noticing that the p16’s aren’t paying so much attention to me :( they just play their music and stuff, which is really annoying, at least i use headphones… pah… :angry:

you want to know the answer???

Thursday, May 25th, 2000

been down here for the past 20mins whilst zak is on the phone with mark (who wants the college maintenence contract), funny? :P what is, is that we already know the answer :) What is it? :?:
Should mark be :) or :(…. ok, we’ll put you out your misery, the answer is….

:thumbup: to a 3 year contract… well done :D