ben griffiths
an insight into the mind of a genius

strange but true

May 26th, 2000

Things are now getting really complicated, I won’t post it here, but needless to say, I am pretty messed up, if you are to do with it, you know why…

As it gets nearer and nearer term, less things seem to be going wrong! The highlight of the day was a content advisor setting on one of the computers! Although, I do have 2 to reformat tomorrow, give me summit to do.

Decided I’m gonna take next week as holiday, lots of sleep, help me repair myself (i am sooo shattered atm). Jamie + co all going Feersum tomorrow, dunno if I will be up for it, although I still do have that pack of ProPlus :)
Met up with everyone on #england again, hey, i seem to be coming a bit of a regular, people even know who I am and say hello to me! RESULT!

Still can’t believe what such a good buy this cd was, could play it all the time, now if only i had someone to go Peach with, then all would be most excellent, still ain’t heard nothing back about the iCE things, I’m going to try and wangle them out of them for cheap!

Anyway, am shattered to pieces now, cy’all l8r :D

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