Hi, a video called “martial arts-open your eyes by guano apes” the movie was alsome, Guys, that was tight, i cant do flips or tricks, i suck, but man, can u sent me cool video of more of them those were alsome. TIGHT!
What is the title of the song on your ninja training camp video on google and who sings it?? I love it and I’m dying to know. I also love the video. You guys rock my socks!!
I am a brazilian and I’ve found your movie into internet and it mades me wish to practice.
I could not find the video download if you could send me by e-mail.
If anyone is interest in chatting or giving me hints add me msn papainoeu@hotmail.com
I saw a video of yours. It was the ninja training camp. I thought it was quite amazing. I’ve been in Martial Arts for 7 years and I haven’t seen anything quite that showy. How long has it taken you to get as well as you are at what you do?
Holy hell you guys are crazy. I just watched your Ninja stunt video and I loved it. Right now I am trying to learn how to do flips on my own, it is very hard. I like to breakdance and there is a move called the boomerang kick that I am trying to learn right now. If you guys could give me any pointers on how to do flips easier I would thankful.
I saw that Ninja stuff. Wanted to know if the would be a school around where i live , Pennsylvania or around there.
Can you let me know at Nikeny64@aoo.com
I saw the ninja stunts on abum.com
I am remarkably interested in finding a school of that nature around where I am, if you have any information regarding that sort of thing in minnesota, or the midwest… please let me know.
semper fi
you guys are lucky. I’m 13 and It’s always been a dream of mine to go to japan. I’m even trying to learn the language! I can’t take it in school, though. All they can teach us is French or Spanish. Well, I love your site. That ninja stunt video is awesome.
~Later Days
Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Aya. This is my first time to see this site! Yes, that’s good. I live in Fukuoka where has been so nice city! okay, I better go now.
hey whats up peeps…its keil here…just notice ya guestbook..well keep the pics rolling..theyre all great! i miss japan now..sighhh..hope u guys have fun there neways..
Yes I’m back…from outta space…la la…ok i forget the rest of the song!! how low my life has sunk to be writing on ben’s site that no one has written on for ages!!! you know did we ever find out who wrote that nasty stuff?? bon cheating on her bf with ME!!! hahahaha! that really made me giggle yet again! well done whoever that was! right i need a wank…off in search for some gay porn, or maybe some animal stuff…or even hetro cos im that horny! ooooh lesbo porn…eugh going too far!!
toodle pip my cuties
mwah mwah
well i happen to agree with the retaking of the GCSE u obviously have had a poor educationremember what goes around comes around & we will find out who u are so watch your back!!!!!!!!!
hmm, pleasant message! If your going to be nasty to people you should say it to their face. You might want to consider re taking your English GCSE, arent should be aren’t, iz should be is and finally powerful is only spelt with one ‘l’ not two!!!
My god, you lot are all bastards arent you, not only iz Ali cheating with Richard M (Harrys best mate), but BONNIE has cheated on her BOYFRIEND with the All powerfull Paul OLeary (and a couple more for good measure). YOU SICK SHITS…
i’ll try and take me camera clubbing next time (if it’ll fit in me trousers :)) so you can all see me raving hurrah! if not, i guess chrimbo or summit!
AH so you return paulo, been too scared to show your face! i think that your comment is ironic seeing as you have written most of this guestbook! you must perish!
Ben, is it possible for you to remove some of your pictures? They make me nauseous and weepy. I may need help to recover after this long and trecherous ordeal. I know you can, for the love of God, do it! You have brought bad karma to your website and you need to ammend this NOW! Haven’t you wondered why your ratings have dropped? Selfish bastard.
oh dear i am challenged by a fool!
For you should know i am a rabbit and therefore do not sniff cats bums!
I feel sorry for you, human, maybe i shall have to go easy on you! see you saturday you mere mortal!!
grrrrrrrrrrr! ben i see you have choosen who you shall back! well you have choosen wrong for miffy will die!! hahahahahahah and the world will be mine! miffy is a poof! i will see you at arthur’s boat at 12 noon on the 6th! i have no weakness miffy you slob! but i know yours! hahahaha it is your love of cats bums! i shall bring cats that u will not be able to resist then defeat u
! death to miffy! long live your new master or earth paulo the magnificent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
i accept your dual, but i chose the place.
Arthur’s boat.
Be there at noon, for i know your weakness!!!!
ah ahahahhahaahh
MIFFY lives 4ever!!!!!!!
i shall never die! it is you that shall die miffy! i challenge you to a dual! 12 noon at the abandonned coalmine! be there or be square and die like a man! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
miffy RIP
i stole your stupid body! and it dont fit!!argh! ok i am all alone now! everyone has left me! oh mylordy what shall i do? topmyself! yay! good
ok everyone i’ve added the forum i was talking about, now makes it a bit easier to discuss things.
click the link to ‘chat forum’ on the top right and type away.
woop woop!
hey everyone!!
just thought i would “pop” in and
say hi!!! so how are you all doing??
great i hope!! well, some people are
coming to aus!! shows how smart you
are!! hehehe! oh and did you notice
the name ali?!? i admit that i am really
an old fart that is 70!! are you happy?
i hope you are!! well it is REALLY late
here… 4:30am!! well catch you all
Tyler xx
laaaaaaaaaaaaa! i’m back!! yay!!! andrew you are very very sad!! bonbon dont fall for his tricks!! see ya’ll very soon!! love always paul xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sorry to hear ur walking sideways and u wana b straight. wel well LOVE WHO U R!!! U R BEAUTIFUL. Love urself. respekt.
hello people how r we all? im feelin a bit more alive now. so neway hope 2c yall again
i was wondering if any one of you humans could help me. my dilema is that i can only walk sideways, which is kinda annoying to say the least. my mate callum the crab was in the process of teaching me when he was tae’n away from me, and made into crabsticks. alternativly if you would like to make a donation to the ‘crabs walking straight society’ feel free. i’m sure that when i can walk the walk i’ll be able to talk the talk, if y’a kno watta meen!!
hello cookie monster, mayb u should 4get the cookies coz i never c u actually eating them. u just put them in ur mouth and the stuff just goes everywhere. hey, mayb u shud be the Cock Monster, coz that wud work, and u wouldnt need 2 swallow. u lucky tramp!
oh well…. hello u guys, cant wait 2 mcluskys, neva bin there b4! cu round u slags
OK so it had to happen, i just can’t get something and it will be all fine.
Look at what someone did to my car!>!? WHYYYY?!?!?
WHY OH WHY OH WHY?!? I loved that car… it had better not cost too much… first the stereo now the whole thing… donations to me at the usual address
right its been ages since i have written!! sooooooooo hello!! wats going on with everyone!>!>?! love the new pics! where da christams eve though!! shame on you ben
Woo hoo! Titus lives! Yes the new server is (just about!) working so the new photos will go on tomorrow! Yip Yip!
oh and useless fact 4 the day: i now got 260 vinylz w00p w00p!
Ok people sorry for the non updates, the server to run all this has arrived finally, but faultly! Hopefully the new one arrives tomorrow, then I can get all the new photos up (christmas, new year + my birthday).
and yes paul, that includes your page too, as well as a messageboard, so we can have sensible comments here and the rest in the mb rexpekt - ben
Hoorah for Paul!!! Brave boy!!!
And to all you fags/benders/fudge packers/queers/me/paul etc etc out there, page 38 of Boyz magazine features ME! yay!
Happy Saturday the ninth of february everyone. and may princess margaret rest in peace.
Paul-we’re going out again soon. One monday in a few weeks time we’ll do the ku bar then do poptastic @ heaven. it’ll be great!
See ya later you bunch of hairy people!
Ben where’s my page!! grr! i want it!! bonnie you keep your hands away from my ass!! got it!! well…ok dont keep it that far away!! bon’s you the best i love ya!! and i love you all who have been soo cool about me!! thanx to you all!! oh how emotional!!
love ya fuckers!!
x x x x x x
Hey-ey everyone! Hi Bingo… Paul told all about it! hehe! anyway… just wanted to say hi and yeah. Oh yeah, Paul… I am bigger than you so I will kick your ass! well hmmmm… gonna go now
bye everyone
yo bitchboys and slag rags
happy bday ali
and hello to every1!!!! those who were there@railway it was fab seein ya ugly faces again (apart from paul, ur beautiful, but only behind)
we gotta meet up again soon and hava boogie nite oh yeh,&hi 2 tyler u seem fab & pauls gona smuggle me in2 aus up his crack so that wen we meet…. well, u shud work it out and paul should know neway,,, we have our negotiations dont we, yen whore?
gotta go & i love u all
including both my pauls
sale time nearly ova!
so now im not 1 dowla
dis time u pay more
dats coz u fat ugly whore!!
hey hey! its ali’s birthday!!! yay yay!! shes gay!! happy birthday! my little deep fat fryer! i love you! and i said happy birthday to you! love always jemima
(your best friend!)
oh my!! new yorkshire ben!! run dont ever come back here! do not get stuck in this tangled web of nothingness and crazy antics!! run run away from me and the rest of us!! please for your own good!! it is bad here!! but i love it!! hahahahaahaha!!
yay!! ben is giving me my own page! so everyone can write their pointless messages in my area!! woo!! woo!! but really how are we meant to write anyhting un pointless if you put no new pictures up!! what are we supposed to write!!
Ben it was nice to see you yesterday!! you should come again!! although my room stank of brown sauce!!! eugh!! well see you all soon!!
oh my god!! happy Birthday ben!! have a great day!!
C’mon people - I appreciate your entries on my guestbook because they make me look popular I’m gonna have to shut the guestbook down if ya all keep on making pointless entries. More pics coming soon. Ben.
I am absolutely pissed out my head but happy cos I can still spell reasonably well. Just to say I love you all. (well, mostly), most of you are ok. Just some exceptions. aND SGUESS WHAT!?
anuway, love to you all. Most of u anyway.
x x x
A formal apology:
to MR M. Jones!
Dear sir i am very sorry for accusing you of putting my number up on the net!! soooo sorry!! and however it was is gonna die!!!!! raaaaaa!!! well i’m very sorry!!
Oi!! boss it seems that you are the one that should be banned from the site if you dont want batty boys!!! fucking pussy!
Mark what the hell are you on about? you is CRAZY boy!! but i am sorry for putting your number up!! even though YOU put my number up on it!!! bastard!!
Bon Bon!! good job!! you’ve been doin well!!! no wonder you are soooo very sore!! i’ll come and give you some of my wonder potion!!! its good for everything!!! yeah hope to see you very soon!! lots of love to you all!!
hello my queens
how ru all? hope all is well?well im fkn bored. i’ll c u all slags soon hopefully
Paul, u slag in a bag with ur fag. whore! howz the yen goin? ive made about $308574620825097 i reckon thats about a tenner in pounds.
…gosh thats alot! all that xmas overtime done me good and sore!
know what i mean oleary? u fellow whore?
yes i have 1 big dick and bex has 4
ooh and this rhymes what great galore!
love u all
u numb tarts wit yo farts and yo bum arts bonbonxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Firstly - Paul. Thank you for the edited version of your burger bar story. For the rest of you though, he didn’t go in and find bodies everywhere. He was attracted to the smell not of burgers, but ’something’ else, and was then burgered up the arse by a batty boy named Mark. How do I know? I don’t, but it’s obvious that’s what happened.
Secondly - A note for the webmaster - Delete this guestbook as it disgraces your whole site. Make a ‘no batty boys allowed’ guestbook instead.
Paul, I do not believe you put my number up. Mind you, I’m changing it very soon anyway. Just remember O’Leary, marky has a lot of gossip about you. Don’t make me tell everyone because I seriously will. I mean it. And who is this tyler person? Isn’t he your BOYFRIEND????
Still, if anyone wants to know this news (and it is news of the world type stuff) text me on the number below.
He he he!!!!!!
oh my god!!! yesterday i was walkng along when i heard this booming noise and the crunching the crunching of human bones!!!! then i noticed these cracks on the ground! i wasa quite curious so i followed these cracks! i followed them to a burger bar!! i went in! there were dead bodies everywhere! i followed the cracks some more into the kitchen!there i saw the most scarey thing ever!! i wet my pants!!! it was… it was… john-jo!!!! nooooooooooooooo!!! argh!! i ran and notified the queen! who came! and called the police and gave herself a medal!!! damn!!! her!!!
Hiya everyone… Hi Paul. Well ummm i only know paul soo yeah. Arthur! Paul told me to tell you that you have a death threat. So… Arthur, you have a death threat! well i’m gonna go.
tyler is a mousse!! he smells like goats cheese! but he is cool so everyone write nice stuff back to him! got it!! or i wont grace you with my presence any more!!! and you will all die!
oh my god! what is this persecute paul page! how dare you!! i want NO death threats!! argh!! i’m sooooooooooooooangry! and who put my mobile number up on the net!!!
MARK JONES WAS IT YOU!! i aint no brother grim!!
call mark if you want someone to abuse!!
Hey alex….
I have a metal fetish. Into copper, steel, nickel and starting to get into non-precious metallic elemements. Call me if ur interested. I like to shag hot studs like you. 07905240716 call me.
i’m into pigeons. i have a pigeon den called ‘the p forum’. i invite along a multitude of friends all pigeon lovers. plucking is my favourite job. dwayne is my favourite one. gareth was my first a few years ago but he eaten by a rotwillier!!!!
This is a death threat.
I’m hereby issuing it to the following person:
Prior to your death, you are advised to stay well away from Wimbledon. The borough will NOT tolerate people that serve from the other court.
Just had bad guilt trip over making humour of the illfated events on April 14th 1912. (or was it the 12th in 1914) May the titanic and all her occupants/passengers/Leo Di Caprio rest in peace.
hurrah! BonBon you are alive!! yay! you’d better be comin out soon cos i am gathering a mob to go and burn arthurs bout with him on it! oh like a viking funeral except that he will burn alive!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahhhaa!1 ok paul calm down!! breath! slowly! oh yes he will die! could anyone that writes here please leave death threats for arthur! thank you very much! and that includes you too ali! slut! Bonbon you slag! hows work going! i did great over the festive period 56,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 yen!! woo woo! bout
hello everyone, its me bonbon!!!
hope u had a gd new yrs party considering some1 fked it up4 fat whore paul?! well, it was really fab seein u guys the other week bak in yates, and yes mark, ur paul was lovely 2have met not as nice as MY paul tho, dont u think?! HAHA! no, i love ya really, and twas lovely seein u all.
well, neway to all :::happy new yr::::
im bak in college now where i can make up bullshit stories of my traumatic life about bein a whore in my beautiful masterpieces.
love u all -ya slags with ya bags and ya fags
It is not Thursday 22nd March today.
It wasn’t yesterday either, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that (which was a Monday), or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that (which was a Friday). And, if I remember correctly, the day before that wasn’t Thursday 22nd March either as we would only be as far back as November 2001 by this stage.
Get your dates right.
hello everyone! i’m back! yay! its ok bout the money mark! though i DO want it back before you go to Oz!! ra! Ben we wanna see those pics so get em up! a Big thank you to Ben and Gowry for saving my new years eve! and catherine for coming later! you guys are great!! oh i think i’m gonna cry! and a big bleargh ra DIE!! to arthur for being such a prick as to bring drugs to a nice place like babels!! raaaaaaaaaaaaaa! dieeeeeeeeee!
The photos will go on as soon as i go back to uni (i may pop in on tuesday) as they’re huge and would take way too long from home Hopefully the next time i see you all, we won’t be kicked out xxx
Hello everyone. If u want any pills come to me. Very cheap and discretion is my middle name.
HA HA HA! It is I JONES! What a fool Monsieur Riedal is. How dare he ruin Paul’s new year. REBORKA! SUMMON HIM TO UR PALACE OF JUSTICE AND WHIP HIS HYDE! Happy new year everyone. And sorry about the
shit u guys shud hav watched braindead last nite! loved that film!!! hehee
becca, i want some of ur marshmallows, i want to toast them so theyre crispy and runny wen i suk them. u can have my coconuts, i promise u can suk the milky part after uve found my hairy nipples
and to everyone else, i promise a hand job @ the body shop next time u visit! teehee
hello peeps!! hope u all had a nice xmas? i just stayed in my pjamas watching crap tv and wanked all day Oh i love u all!
oh by the way, its sale time now - 10 Dowlla - but now down to 5 dawlla!! cu there paul i missed u guys on xmas eve, sorry. u shuda cum by body shop, i was workin there till 8pm!!! poo.
Yes, Yes i do have a sick, sad obsession with this site! please help me!yesterday was really fun! railway from 2 then cheapy cheap drinks in Bier Rex! oh what fun!! nice to see you your majesty! and bon bon too! she gave me a hand job at the bodyshop!! yay! Merry christmas all!! love Paul
hello all! god, all these msgs. i think that paul has an obession with this. dint you have nething better to do with ur time, u pleb?!
friday was great, pitty johnjo didnt fit throu the door! at least his smell lingered.
well, best be off to tend to my poodles. love from me. xxxxxxxxx
dunno yet i’m homeless! wit no fone!!! argh!!
sadly we bumped into mischa yesterday!! BORING!!! he looks like mr neil-smith - super loser!! help me peeps!
I take it back. You are tres pretty. As pretty as a cross between Mischa and the late great Keddie!!!!!
I cannae come to Queen Reborka’s shindig but because I live in the same county as her royal highness I shall be sure to take her to KFC and share some popcorn chicken with her. WHERE’S BONNIE’S THING!???
OK, which of you bastards nicked my stereo?? when i find you…. GRRRRRRRR.. yes, the head unit, boot changer and all my cds gone. even had the cheek to take my bag to put it all in (so taking my damn project too!!)
anyway, does anyone want to put
Greetings from ‘Down Under’. I arrived here three days ago. The hotel is great - put the stuff into storage until I find a house. Dead cheap here you know.
Aussie birds are very easy going and the weather makes things even better!
Merry Christmas you strange f*ckers.
Yes it is me! the real Paul O’Pee pee not queen borka pretending to be me!! Jones you twat don’t you dare imply that i’m the ugly one!! when it is so obviously not!! i could be any one of the dear ugly people we know! not us though hehe! ben you’d better stop agreeing /or listening to the tripe these peole put on your site about me! or i get very angry and i’ll get gowry to eat you! well at least bite you hard when you least expect it!!!! you know wat i mean!! Everyone give three cheers 4 queen borka whose birthday it is on the 10th!! buy her presents!! nothing under
I have returned from afar (woking town centre) and desire your royal reborkerishness to allow me to kiss her hand. HOW ARE YOU!???
Paul-Your a freak. What are these crazy posts you’ve been a posting? And the comment about me being a loser. Hmmm, YOU BETTER LOOK IN THE MIRROR BOY! On second thoughts dont,. I don’t want you to get nightmares from your freakish face!
Michelle-It was REALLY nice seeing you on Saturday. How I’ve missed you!
Gowry-Hurry up and smile Queen Bitch
Dear mr o’pee pee,
You application to the john jo university has been rejected for the 2743 time. please leave us alone or we will set a restrain order against u.
RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! as if i would ever touch ben’s pants!!! eugh!! i think i’m going to vomit!! Queen borka have you been pretending your me again!! naughty naughty! this loser below me should die! la de da
oh paul how nice that sounds… hmm, but let me think about this… you want me to ditch the single most greatest girl in the whole world for erm, you?!? I THINK NOT!
hehehehehe…. you poor sad little man you
i have a confession, i am so in love with ben. i stole ur underwear and wear them day and night, the smell around me make me so wet and horny. i think i want to marry you. get rid of gowry and u can live in my clit. mwahhh xxxxx
i am the great, the powerful, the strongest. i defy anyone who speaks otherwise. i am Lord Johnjo, the one who killed harry potter’s parents with my one eyed snake and its eggs.
Mr humpage is mark jones!!!???
oh my lordy!! if only i knew i would have been even meaner!! The club was so crap on saturday and i defy anyone who says it was not!! probably will see you this week!! the railway putney - friday or saturday!! you are all welcome to come!! - no freaks please except gowry of course!! love to you all
yes mr o’leary, you have become a regular in these parts Although Mr Humpage is quickly catching up, hope the club was good for all and hope to see you all next week ali… who wants whose numba ?
Hi Everyone,
Well, this is it - I’m emigrating to Melbourne. I’m fed up with the British women expecting so much but giving so little! I want an easy going Aussie bird.
I’ve booked myself a first-class ticket and I’m off next month. Don’t worry, I’ll say hello once I’m there! heh heh.
Must dash… Estate agent at the door with a prospective buyer…
Hello hoe bored am i!!! colege is causing me to want to kill everyone around me!! I seem to sign this book everyday!! help me!!! How is everyone doing!! well i hope! I want to scratch my bum!1
Well this mr Humpernickle man is sounding better by the day!! maybe you are not a prick!! give me a call!! i’m single well nearly ask ben to give you my number!! ha ha ha ha i am stupid
Hi there all you strange people.
Well, Mrs. Humpage is no more. I kicked her out of the house, literally, and then got one of those new super-quick divorces. She didn’t get half the house because I bought it entirely in the first place. Ha ha.
So, whilst looking around to replace her, I am thinking of emigrating to Melbourne, Australia to find Flic from Neighbours before she ‘comes’ over to the UK and gets really famous. heh heh
That’s it for now. Have a new email address - hope it works.
Until next time…
Michell frangoose
why don’t you join in the fun and sign the guestbook you silly cow
11 do it now!! Marcus hupernickle is a fool and yes we are from this black hole you talk of now go away you prick!!
Nice to see that i am not on your list of “friends” but that scag Ali is!!! thanx!!! You better get your camera fixed soon so you can put up some more disgusting pictures of us!!
To Borka: U is a porka girl who is obsessed wit John-jo!! you need to get a life like me!!! ha ha!! we will ule the world!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Wit your six dicks and my great clit no one can stop us!!
I would like to apply for the John-poe course!!! i have been practising and have eaten 5 million sheep!! i know this is nowhere near the standard of a John- but is good? no? And please has anyone found my clit???
Dear all,
applications for the john-…. degree are now being accepted. you can choose from:
paul o’pee pee: u and i are going to rule the world, pack ur toothbrush!
alfie: when is our walk?
gow gow: i want my sticker
ben: DVD!
love queen borka xxxxxxxxxxx
So more galleries to come then? Bugger. Who are all these nutters? Have they somehow climbed out of a very deep black hole?
Sorry if you have been unable to contact me. I will be changing my address at the request of Mrs. Humpage. When she complained, I told her to know her limits but then I got some that night so I agreed to change it. Will update you…
I know many of these “friends” and now will release my views on them all!!
Gowry looks like a monkey on heat, Ali is a skinny wretch who goes out with the most disturbingly ugly boy in the world…harry. This mark jones is a loser!! Borka is a real porka who doesn’t look like john-jo at all (althought she wishes it!). Richard = tosser, Rupert = ?hmmm?. Michelle frangoose is smelly> the only sane handsome fab person is me!! paul although it doesn’t look like it from those pictures but really i am!!! love to you all except for you - bitch!!
So is the photo gallery getting a little too annoying to update, or has the camera been thrown into the back of the cupboard for evermore? (There’s always hope)
hello ben, cool website bad pictures of me though you are a terrible photographer and could learn a few tips from the best which is me.you can contact me i charge a reasonable rate for my services cause in honesty u need help (only joking) see u soon olivia xxx
Bonjour Mr Griffiths
Well I thought I should make you look more popular but we all know the truth that you just keep on mailing to yourself (changeing the names obviosly) Well See you in college on monday
I woke up this morning and noticed that my left foot has gone missing. If anybody has seen it or mistaken it for their foot could they give me a call as soon as possible as i am finding walking rather difficult at the moment. Thanks!
Look at this trove,
treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here you think,
She/he s got everything.
I got Ciggies and Drinkies aplenty,
I got rabies and herpes galore,
You want HIV? I got plenty,
But who cares? No big deal. I want moreeeeeeee
look at this stuff
isnt it neat?
wouldn’t u think my collections complete?
wouldn’t u think im the girl/boy
the girl/boy who has everything……………………….blah blah blah!
infatuated with borka!!? that’s prob u mr jones!! hee hee! thump thump thump bah bahh bahh!!
nice pics ben, i think u have an obsession with ur digi cam!
love borka!
That ‘dirty trench coat’ is MINE! I want it back. I only left it there for a minute and Ben steals it.
By the way Ben, no one can get to the ball photos. FIX THEM and GET SOME THUMBNAILS
I thought its about time i signed ur guestbook! Well done bengy its lookin good. It would look alot better if it didn’t contain pic of me standin in fields lookin suicidal! but lov the rest of the pics, v. funny.
love you
your ghekko
this is a wikid site, luv da pixs from friday nite& my bday
!!! i was pretty much makin the most of the drinks post-Alevel! yet i was kissin the loo the very next day. hmmm….. ohwell! u madman! i agree with borka-more photos pls!!! and take that shite one off with me and paul!!!
…and smile!
luv, bonbonxxxxxxxxxx
ben ben ben!!!
ahhh….wicked! love the photos! u need MORE of the one and only borka to prove that they exist!
neway keep putting more photos on!
love borka xxx
p.s rembember our OLD motto: “who need’s……..when u’ve got friends!” hee hee
Well done Benji! Yet another brilliantly designed website, im very proud of you, i know how much effort you put into it :)Wish you didnt put them pics of me on it though, you know how much i hate them!!
January 26th, 2006 at 5:55 am
Also, if u got a myspace, mine is myspace.com/fromo123/
If u want to talk.
Kung Fu, for life
January 26th, 2006 at 5:54 am
Hi, a video called “martial arts-open your eyes by guano apes” the movie was alsome, Guys, that was tight, i cant do flips or tricks, i suck, but man, can u sent me cool video of more of them those were alsome. TIGHT!
January 25th, 2006 at 1:08 am
What is the title of the song on your ninja training camp video on google and who sings it?? I love it and I’m dying to know. I also love the video. You guys rock my socks!!
January 20th, 2006 at 9:05 pm
I am a brazilian and I’ve found your movie into internet and it mades me wish to practice.
I could not find the video download if you could send me by e-mail.
If anyone is interest in chatting or giving me hints add me msn papainoeu@hotmail.com
January 14th, 2006 at 1:52 am
i really liked ur vid with all the stunts it was awesome!!!!!!!:)
January 13th, 2006 at 9:44 am
i think your awesome
January 12th, 2006 at 6:36 am
Great talent Although i am just starting Jitsu
January 9th, 2006 at 10:40 pm
cool site. saw a cool video on google. was awesome. wish i could find a place like that in england to do
January 6th, 2006 at 9:56 pm
hi,can any of you lot tell me what the song is called and who its sang by email me at matty_c92@hotmail.co.uk thanks
January 6th, 2006 at 6:33 am
achei legal mais acho k pudia se melhor
January 6th, 2006 at 2:24 am
hey,ive seen your video on yahoo and it was amazin i wish i could do that!!
January 5th, 2006 at 9:21 pm
I’ve been in choir in theatre for the past 5 years of my life and plan to major in music and film. But now… i want to be a ninja.
January 5th, 2006 at 6:32 am
holy shit
i cant even do a summersault yet u guys are doing them in mid air thats awwwesome!!!!!
thats superly uber :-P
January 4th, 2006 at 10:39 pm
Sweet, I saw your video then came on your site you do some kickasse stuff :o!
January 4th, 2006 at 10:25 am
omg! i saw ur video. it was so nice!
December 26th, 2005 at 11:14 pm
O_o that video was the coolest thing i have ever seen.
December 24th, 2005 at 12:25 am
hiya x
if you could would u mind sendin me sum of ur ninja training camp videos plz
xxx annie xxx
December 22nd, 2005 at 7:25 am
your video is awesome i never seen anything like that
December 20th, 2005 at 8:36 am
Peazo de video que os a salio. Como se hace todo eso???
December 20th, 2005 at 5:56 am
I saw a video of yours. It was the ninja training camp. I thought it was quite amazing. I’ve been in Martial Arts for 7 years and I haven’t seen anything quite that showy. How long has it taken you to get as well as you are at what you do?
October 31st, 2005 at 5:12 pm
what 4 music do u like ?

matel is the best
September 4th, 2005 at 11:55 pm
I seen one of your vid’s.
Realy Cool.
I’m wondering if you have more.
Maybe you could email some.
But if not, keep up the good work.
May 24th, 2005 at 5:14 pm
Nice one, but i think you should focus on improving a little bit and putting new content. Ohterwise i always encourage such ideas.
April 29th, 2005 at 2:06 pm
I Have Your Name!! Woooooo!!! The Name Rocks!!
My website is http://www.freewebs.com/onionsarethefontofallevil
March 18th, 2005 at 7:45 am
wow. i saw a vid on collegehumor.com and that was freakin awesome
March 9th, 2005 at 10:54 am
I admire what you’re doing, Just keep bringing it
March 2nd, 2005 at 11:57 am
Hi Ben,
Just thought i’d see if your page was up and running!
Obviously it is!!
Hope u r well, take care C x
March 1st, 2005 at 1:34 pm
Holy hell you guys are crazy. I just watched your Ninja stunt video and I loved it. Right now I am trying to learn how to do flips on my own, it is very hard. I like to breakdance and there is a move called the boomerang kick that I am trying to learn right now. If you guys could give me any pointers on how to do flips easier I would thankful.
February 12th, 2005 at 7:45 am
I saw that Ninja stuff. Wanted to know if the would be a school around where i live , Pennsylvania or around there.
Can you let me know at Nikeny64@aoo.com
September 23rd, 2004 at 9:13 pm
I saw the ninja stunts on abum.com
I am remarkably interested in finding a school of that nature around where I am, if you have any information regarding that sort of thing in minnesota, or the midwest… please let me know.
semper fi
September 22nd, 2004 at 6:02 pm
I like your web site please e mail me!!!!!!!!
August 29th, 2004 at 1:30 pm
July 9th, 2004 at 4:07 am
Hia. Graet website nice 2 see some1 else is havin tunza fun in this world!!!
July 8th, 2004 at 12:44 pm
Cool end of sixth form pics Ben- I like it lots- I recall that ‘heated debate’ with Haroon very well!!!
excellent stuff
July 2nd, 2004 at 1:56 am
you guys are lucky. I’m 13 and It’s always been a dream of mine to go to japan. I’m even trying to learn the language! I can’t take it in school, though. All they can teach us is French or Spanish. Well, I love your site. That ninja stunt video is awesome.
~Later Days
May 6th, 2004 at 7:53 pm
hello i come from germany ,i have see the stunt video
thats very nice 
mfg daniel P.
April 28th, 2004 at 11:33 pm
Great pics! Must have been a great experience. You’ll need tell us all about it next time we meet up!
April 19th, 2004 at 1:49 pm
I’m Seiko’s friend, Rie! Oh,,Justin, You already got back UK:o
Well, hope to see you again one day. Bye-bye!!
April 18th, 2004 at 5:49 am
i guess ya guys back in UK>
April 17th, 2004 at 11:43 am
Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Aya. This is my first time to see this site! Yes, that’s good. I live in Fukuoka where has been so nice city! okay, I better go now.
April 13th, 2004 at 10:27 pm
It’s Rommy. Justin,Ben, you remember me? I want to see you again:> But I have no time…;<
Enjoy in Tokyo!!
April 11th, 2004 at 11:33 pm
hey whats up peeps…its keil here…just notice ya guestbook..well keep the pics rolling..theyre all great! i miss japan now..sighhh..hope u guys have fun there neways..
April 7th, 2004 at 12:34 pm
Well you don’t seem to have been up to much yet Ben. SORT IT! ;o)
April 6th, 2004 at 11:28 pm
hey. you prob dont remember me
nice photos and take care
April 6th, 2004 at 9:58 pm
hey! havin fun? i bet you are you lucky thing. sites looking wicked, keep taking pictures!
April 6th, 2004 at 9:22 pm
any macross stuff there??
look out for them please
April 6th, 2004 at 9:21 pm
enjoy youselves?????
btw u have any “members only ” photo galleries, and U Need to get wasted more often
April 6th, 2004 at 7:15 pm
huh? was i the first person to sign the guestbook?!
April 6th, 2004 at 7:14 pm
i want to go, i want to go, i want to go! x
February 20th, 2004 at 9:03 pm
Hi Ben,
Nice site mate, just checking out the pics of my brat sis, forgot what she looked like!
Take it easy,
November 24th, 2003 at 5:35 pm
ahhh miffy my arch nemesis! i was wondering how long this would take you! i am back to exact my revenge upon your worthless soul! mwhahahahahahaha
November 24th, 2003 at 1:40 pm
i have been waitin for ur return, Paulo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 7th, 2003 at 3:25 pm
Yes I’m back…from outta space…la la…ok i forget the rest of the song!! how low my life has sunk to be writing on ben’s site that no one has written on for ages!!! you know did we ever find out who wrote that nasty stuff?? bon cheating on her bf with ME!!! hahahaha! that really made me giggle yet again! well done whoever that was! right i need a wank…off in search for some gay porn, or maybe some animal stuff…or even hetro cos im that horny! ooooh lesbo porn…eugh going too far!!
toodle pip my cuties
mwah mwah
October 23rd, 2003 at 5:14 pm
hey sup all nothin much here but so borad so if anyone wants to chat just email me ok !!!!!!!!!!
April 19th, 2003 at 12:49 am
remember ur not a salmon
April 18th, 2003 at 9:33 pm
how r u all? anyone got any gossip to tell everyone. anything new happened to any 1. ppl talk
April 18th, 2003 at 1:36 pm
ben seni seviorum M.K.G.’74
April 18th, 2003 at 1:33 pm
I mis jou!
March 28th, 2003 at 2:14 pm
I am the almighty powerfullllllllllllllllllllllllll with lots of l’s hurrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
March 22nd, 2003 at 11:38 am
well i happen to agree with the retaking of the GCSE u obviously have had a poor educationremember what goes around comes around & we will find out who u are so watch your back!!!!!!!!!
March 17th, 2003 at 10:10 am
hmm, pleasant message! If your going to be nasty to people you should say it to their face. You might want to consider re taking your English GCSE, arent should be aren’t, iz should be is and finally powerful is only spelt with one ‘l’ not two!!!
March 12th, 2003 at 4:30 pm
My god, you lot are all bastards arent you, not only iz Ali cheating with Richard M (Harrys best mate), but BONNIE has cheated on her BOYFRIEND with the All powerfull Paul OLeary (and a couple more for good measure). YOU SICK SHITS…
December 16th, 2002 at 11:10 am
AW Bless it’s a mini ben!
December 13th, 2002 at 5:02 pm
hi im ben griffiths too. im nearly 16 and live in cornwall
December 11th, 2002 at 6:44 pm
no offence ben, but we want to see pics of us and interesting things not you boppin up and down
December 11th, 2002 at 2:35 am
i’ll try and take me camera clubbing next time (if it’ll fit in me trousers :)) so you can all see me raving
hurrah! if not, i guess chrimbo or summit!
December 6th, 2002 at 4:37 pm
no pictures. poop. where did everyone go? sob sob
December 4th, 2002 at 3:26 pm
AH so you return paulo, been too scared to show your face! i think that your comment is ironic seeing as you have written most of this guestbook! you must perish!
December 3rd, 2002 at 12:42 am
i totally agree!!!!!!!
this site is poop
November 29th, 2002 at 4:55 pm
who ate all the monkeys! i did i did!
November 23rd, 2002 at 12:02 am
Dunno how i ended up here but it very impressive ben….its a good little website.
November 22nd, 2002 at 1:26 pm
here here, i agree!!!! long live bleurgh!
November 22nd, 2002 at 1:24 pm
Ben, is it possible for you to remove some of your pictures? They make me nauseous and weepy. I may need help to recover after this long and trecherous ordeal. I know you can, for the love of God, do it! You have brought bad karma to your website and you need to ammend this NOW! Haven’t you wondered why your ratings have dropped? Selfish bastard.
November 4th, 2002 at 4:51 pm
yay! the queen has returned!
Long live queen borka!
October 21st, 2002 at 3:12 pm
poor ben. no one writes in here anymore. i think we need to start a revolution!
September 11th, 2002 at 12:49 pm
errr.. hello………**silence** …….. ok
July 5th, 2002 at 1:51 pm
oh dear i am challenged by a fool!
For you should know i am a rabbit and therefore do not sniff cats bums!
I feel sorry for you, human, maybe i shall have to go easy on you! see you saturday you mere mortal!!
June 30th, 2002 at 1:12 pm
grrrrrrrrrrr! ben i see you have choosen who you shall back! well you have choosen wrong for miffy will die!! hahahahahahah and the world will be mine! miffy is a poof! i will see you at arthur’s boat at 12 noon on the 6th! i have no weakness miffy you slob! but i know yours! hahahaha it is your love of cats bums! i shall bring cats that u will not be able to resist then defeat u
! death to miffy! long live your new master or earth paulo the magnificent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
June 25th, 2002 at 4:18 pm
Fat MOnkey don’t ever pull that face again. It was so scary that everyone at the office ran away.
love you lots, even though your fat. xxx
June 23rd, 2002 at 10:58 am
Go Miffy!
June 1st, 2002 at 3:26 pm
i accept your dual, but i chose the place.
Arthur’s boat.
Be there at noon, for i know your weakness!!!!
ah ahahahhahaahh
MIFFY lives 4ever!!!!!!!
May 29th, 2002 at 12:27 pm
i shall never die! it is you that shall die miffy! i challenge you to a dual! 12 noon at the abandonned coalmine! be there or be square and die like a man! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
miffy RIP
May 21st, 2002 at 4:35 pm
You mother f*@$er!!!!
Im gonna kill you. Ahha hhahhahhahahahahhaahha
Paul RIP
he ehehehhehehehe
May 17th, 2002 at 2:30 pm
i stole your stupid body! and it dont fit!!argh! ok i am all alone now! everyone has left me! oh mylordy what shall i do? topmyself! yay! good
May 8th, 2002 at 1:37 pm
who stole my body!!!!
April 30th, 2002 at 11:52 am
ok everyone i’ve added the forum i was talking about, now makes it a bit easier to discuss things.
click the link to ‘chat forum’ on the top right and type away.
woop woop!
April 19th, 2002 at 7:21 pm
hey everyone!!
just thought i would “pop” in and
say hi!!! so how are you all doing??
great i hope!! well, some people are
coming to aus!! shows how smart you
are!! hehehe! oh and did you notice
the name ali?!? i admit that i am really
an old fart that is 70!! are you happy?
i hope you are!! well it is REALLY late
here… 4:30am!! well catch you all
Tyler xx
April 16th, 2002 at 10:48 am
laaaaaaaaaaaaa! i’m back!! yay!!! andrew you are very very sad!! bonbon dont fall for his tricks!! see ya’ll very soon!! love always paul xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
April 14th, 2002 at 11:03 pm
If it’s not arse bandits it’s dope smugglers on this site.
April 10th, 2002 at 9:52 pm
sorry to hear ur walking sideways and u wana b straight. wel well LOVE WHO U R!!! U R BEAUTIFUL. Love urself. respekt.
hello people how r we all? im feelin a bit more alive now. so neway hope 2c yall again
April 8th, 2002 at 10:01 pm
i was wondering if any one of you humans could help me. my dilema is that i can only walk sideways, which is kinda annoying to say the least. my mate callum the crab was in the process of teaching me when he was tae’n away from me, and made into crabsticks. alternativly if you would like to make a donation to the ‘crabs walking straight society’ feel free. i’m sure that when i can walk the walk i’ll be able to talk the talk, if y’a kno watta meen!!
April 7th, 2002 at 12:50 am
hiya sorry i didnt come out with u guys, im so tired. i went 2crash @ my mates house and now im trippin. we smoked som good shit mon.
March 29th, 2002 at 1:14 am
Hey All,
See y’all soon!!!
Had a great time on Wednesday, cool, thnx for inviting me
March 26th, 2002 at 1:30 am
hello cookie monster, mayb u should 4get the cookies coz i never c u actually eating them. u just put them in ur mouth and the stuff just goes everywhere. hey, mayb u shud be the Cock Monster, coz that wud work, and u wouldnt need 2 swallow. u lucky tramp!
cu round u slags
oh well…. hello u guys, cant wait 2 mcluskys, neva bin there b4!
March 23rd, 2002 at 11:54 pm
i’m slowly getting pissed off with cookies. perhaps i should try some digestives or maybe some ginger nuts… umm tasty
March 21st, 2002 at 8:15 pm
hiya guys, how are we all? im bored shitless!!!!!!!
me love u short time now
March 20th, 2002 at 1:03 am
OK so it had to happen, i just can’t get something and it will be all fine.
Look at what someone did to my car!>!? WHYYYY?!?!?
WHY OH WHY OH WHY?!? I loved that car… it had better not cost too much… first the stereo now the whole thing… donations to me at the usual address
March 19th, 2002 at 11:53 pm
hello! its me!! choo chooo
March 6th, 2002 at 12:02 pm
right its been ages since i have written!! sooooooooo hello!! wats going on with everyone!>!>?! love the new pics! where da christams eve though!! shame on you ben
February 26th, 2002 at 6:48 pm
February 18th, 2002 at 11:41 pm
Woo hoo! Titus lives! Yes the new server is (just about!) working so the new photos will go on tomorrow! Yip Yip!
w00p w00p!
oh and useless fact 4 the day: i now got 260 vinylz
February 15th, 2002 at 11:02 am
Close this guestbook down or edit the entries; it’s a disgrace.
February 12th, 2002 at 6:51 pm
Ok people sorry for the non updates, the server to run all this has arrived finally, but faultly! Hopefully the new one arrives tomorrow, then I can get all the new photos up (christmas, new year + my birthday).
rexpekt - ben
and yes paul, that includes your page too, as well as a messageboard, so we can have sensible comments here and the rest in the mb
February 9th, 2002 at 12:25 pm
Hoorah for Paul!!! Brave boy!!!
And to all you fags/benders/fudge packers/queers/me/paul etc etc out there, page 38 of Boyz magazine features ME! yay!
Happy Saturday the ninth of february everyone. and may princess margaret rest in peace.
Paul-we’re going out again soon. One monday in a few weeks time we’ll do the ku bar then do poptastic @ heaven. it’ll be great!
See ya later you bunch of hairy people!
February 6th, 2002 at 2:33 pm
Ben where’s my page!! grr! i want it!! bonnie you keep your hands away from my ass!! got it!! well…ok dont keep it that far away!! bon’s you the best i love ya!! and i love you all who have been soo cool about me!! thanx to you all!! oh how emotional!!
love ya fuckers!!
x x x x x x
January 31st, 2002 at 1:05 pm
Hey-ey everyone! Hi Bingo… Paul told all about it! hehe! anyway… just wanted to say hi and yeah. Oh yeah, Paul… I am bigger than you so I will kick your ass!
well hmmmm… gonna go now
bye everyone
January 29th, 2002 at 12:52 am
yo bitchboys and slag rags
oh yeh,&hi 2 tyler u seem fab & pauls gona smuggle me in2 aus up his crack so that wen we meet…. well, u shud work it out and paul should know neway,,, we have our negotiations dont we, yen whore?
happy bday ali
and hello to every1!!!! those who were there@railway it was fab seein ya ugly faces again (apart from paul, ur beautiful, but only behind)
we gotta meet up again soon and hava boogie nite
gotta go & i love u all
including both my pauls
sale time nearly ova!
so now im not 1 dowla
dis time u pay more
dats coz u fat ugly whore!!
January 28th, 2002 at 9:39 am
hey hey! its ali’s birthday!!! yay yay!! shes gay!! happy birthday! my little deep fat fryer! i love you! and i said happy birthday to you! love always jemima
(your best friend!)
January 25th, 2002 at 1:12 am
u slags!
im arted out. sorry theres nuthing much 2say. ur all queen tarts and wanks
hapi bday ben!
January 23rd, 2002 at 12:36 pm
oh my!! new yorkshire ben!! run dont ever come back here! do not get stuck in this tangled web of nothingness and crazy antics!! run run away from me and the rest of us!! please for your own good!! it is bad here!! but i love it!! hahahahaahaha!!
January 22nd, 2002 at 10:45 pm
Hey, my name is Ben Griffiths aswell! I am 20 in yorkshire.
January 22nd, 2002 at 10:50 am
yay!! ben is giving me my own page! so everyone can write their pointless messages in my area!! woo!! woo!! but really how are we meant to write anyhting un pointless if you put no new pictures up!! what are we supposed to write!!
Ben it was nice to see you yesterday!! you should come again!! although my room stank of brown sauce!!! eugh!! well see you all soon!!
oh my god!! happy Birthday ben!! have a great day!!
January 20th, 2002 at 2:48 pm
C’mon people - I appreciate your entries on my guestbook because they make me look popular
I’m gonna have to shut the guestbook down if ya all keep on making pointless entries. More pics coming soon. Ben.
January 20th, 2002 at 1:20 am
I am absolutely pissed out my head but happy cos I can still spell reasonably well. Just to say I love you all. (well, mostly), most of you are ok. Just some exceptions. aND SGUESS WHAT!?
anuway, love to you all. Most of u anyway.
x x x
January 18th, 2002 at 12:31 pm
A formal apology:
to MR M. Jones!
Dear sir i am very sorry for accusing you of putting my number up on the net!! soooo sorry!! and however it was is gonna die!!!!! raaaaaa!!! well i’m very sorry!!
January 17th, 2002 at 9:25 am
Oi!! boss it seems that you are the one that should be banned from the site if you dont want batty boys!!! fucking pussy!
Mark what the hell are you on about? you is CRAZY boy!! but i am sorry for putting your number up!! even though YOU put my number up on it!!! bastard!!
Bon Bon!! good job!! you’ve been doin well!!! no wonder you are soooo very sore!! i’ll come and give you some of my wonder potion!!! its good for everything!!! yeah hope to see you very soon!! lots of love to you all!!
January 15th, 2002 at 11:26 pm
hello my queens
how ru all? hope all is well?well im fkn bored. i’ll c u all slags soon hopefully
Paul, u slag in a bag with ur fag. whore! howz the yen goin? ive made about $308574620825097 i reckon thats about a tenner in pounds.
…gosh thats alot! all that xmas overtime done me good and sore!
know what i mean oleary? u fellow whore?
yes i have 1 big dick and bex has 4
ooh and this rhymes what great galore!
love u all
u numb tarts wit yo farts and yo bum arts
January 15th, 2002 at 6:36 pm
Firstly - Paul. Thank you for the edited version of your burger bar story. For the rest of you though, he didn’t go in and find bodies everywhere. He was attracted to the smell not of burgers, but ’something’ else, and was then burgered up the arse by a batty boy named Mark. How do I know? I don’t, but it’s obvious that’s what happened.
Secondly - A note for the webmaster - Delete this guestbook as it disgraces your whole site. Make a ‘no batty boys allowed’ guestbook instead.
January 15th, 2002 at 5:59 pm
Paul, I do not believe you put my number up. Mind you, I’m changing it very soon anyway. Just remember O’Leary, marky has a lot of gossip about you. Don’t make me tell everyone because I seriously will. I mean it. And who is this tyler person? Isn’t he your BOYFRIEND????
Still, if anyone wants to know this news (and it is news of the world type stuff) text me on the number below.
He he he!!!!!!
January 15th, 2002 at 12:32 pm
oh my god!!! yesterday i was walkng along when i heard this booming noise and the crunching the crunching of human bones!!!! then i noticed these cracks on the ground! i wasa quite curious so i followed these cracks! i followed them to a burger bar!! i went in! there were dead bodies everywhere! i followed the cracks some more into the kitchen!there i saw the most scarey thing ever!! i wet my pants!!! it was… it was… john-jo!!!! nooooooooooooooo!!! argh!! i ran and notified the queen! who came! and called the police and gave herself a medal!!! damn!!! her!!!
January 15th, 2002 at 12:31 pm
Paul!! i am not a mouse, and i don’t smell like goats cheese!!
January 15th, 2002 at 12:28 pm
Hiya everyone… Hi Paul. Well ummm i only know paul soo yeah. Arthur! Paul told me to tell you that you have a death threat. So… Arthur, you have a death threat! well i’m gonna go.
January 15th, 2002 at 12:23 pm
tyler is a mousse!! he smells like goats cheese! but he is cool so everyone write nice stuff back to him! got it!! or i wont grace you with my presence any more!!! and you will all die!
January 15th, 2002 at 11:47 am
oh my god! what is this persecute paul page! how dare you!! i want NO death threats!! argh!! i’m sooooooooooooooangry! and who put my mobile number up on the net!!!
MARK JONES WAS IT YOU!! i aint no brother grim!!
call mark if you want someone to abuse!!
January 14th, 2002 at 11:22 am
Hey alex….
I have a metal fetish. Into copper, steel, nickel and starting to get into non-precious metallic elemements. Call me if ur interested. I like to shag hot studs like you. 07905240716 call me.
January 12th, 2002 at 6:10 pm
i’m looking for a pull. anyone interested please call me
January 10th, 2002 at 8:16 pm
i’m into pigeons. i have a pigeon den called ‘the p forum’. i invite along a multitude of friends all pigeon lovers. plucking is my favourite job. dwayne is my favourite one. gareth was my first a few years ago but he eaten by a rotwillier!!!!
January 10th, 2002 at 6:46 pm
This is a death threat.
I’m hereby issuing it to the following person:
Prior to your death, you are advised to stay well away from Wimbledon. The borough will NOT tolerate people that serve from the other court.
January 10th, 2002 at 4:48 pm
hello u freaks. im going to sleep in a cave and eat rats bollocks. take care and praise to the queen.
January 10th, 2002 at 4:47 pm
hi its me paul o’pee wee again, i just wanted to say that my new business has started, anyone who needs stomach implants please call me.
January 10th, 2002 at 1:13 pm
mark you is nuts!
January 9th, 2002 at 1:52 pm
Just had bad guilt trip over making humour of the illfated events on April 14th 1912. (or was it the 12th in 1914) May the titanic and all her occupants/passengers/Leo Di Caprio rest in peace.
January 9th, 2002 at 1:49 pm
Death threats!? ME????? Nooooo
OK then. Arthur, ever seen Titanic? That will be a real life experience for you shortly! Mwahahahahahahahahaha!
January 9th, 2002 at 1:14 pm
hurrah! BonBon you are alive!! yay! you’d better be comin out soon cos i am gathering a mob to go and burn arthurs bout with him on it! oh like a viking funeral except that he will burn alive!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahhhaa!1 ok paul calm down!! breath! slowly! oh yes he will die! could anyone that writes here please leave death threats for arthur! thank you very much! and that includes you too ali! slut! Bonbon you slag! hows work going! i did great over the festive period 56,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 yen!! woo woo! bout
January 8th, 2002 at 11:19 pm
hello everyone, its me bonbon!!!
not as nice as MY paul tho, dont u think?! HAHA! no, i love ya really, and twas lovely seein u all.
hope u had a gd new yrs party considering some1 fked it up4 fat whore paul?! well, it was really fab seein u guys the other week bak in yates, and yes mark, ur paul was lovely 2have met
well, neway to all :::happy new yr::::
im bak in college now where i can make up bullshit stories of my traumatic life about bein a whore in my beautiful masterpieces.
love u all -ya slags with ya bags and ya fags
January 8th, 2002 at 3:35 pm
It is not Thursday 22nd March today.
It wasn’t yesterday either, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that (which was a Monday), or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that, or the day before that (which was a Friday). And, if I remember correctly, the day before that wasn’t Thursday 22nd March either as we would only be as far back as November 2001 by this stage.
Get your dates right.
January 8th, 2002 at 2:26 pm
ARTHUR MUST DIE!! i’ll pay anyone anything to do this for me!!
January 8th, 2002 at 10:57 am
hello everyone! i’m back! yay! its ok bout the money mark! though i DO want it back before you go to Oz!! ra! Ben we wanna see those pics so get em up! a Big thank you to Ben and Gowry for saving my new years eve! and catherine for coming later! you guys are great!! oh i think i’m gonna cry! and a big bleargh ra DIE!! to arthur for being such a prick as to bring drugs to a nice place like babels!! raaaaaaaaaaaaaa! dieeeeeeeeee!
January 6th, 2002 at 8:11 pm
watch ‘fat club’ on ITV 1. its my whole family! love johnjo xxxx rahh rahh
January 3rd, 2002 at 8:51 pm
Hopefully the next time i see you all, we won’t be kicked out
The photos will go on as soon as i go back to uni (i may pop in on tuesday) as they’re huge and would take way too long from home
January 2nd, 2002 at 8:11 pm
BEN! when are u gonna put the xmas eve pics up?! xxx
January 2nd, 2002 at 7:10 pm
Hello everyone. If u want any pills come to me. Very cheap and discretion is my middle name.
HA HA HA! It is I JONES! What a fool Monsieur Riedal is. How dare he ruin Paul’s new year. REBORKA! SUMMON HIM TO UR PALACE OF JUSTICE AND WHIP HIS HYDE! Happy new year everyone. And sorry about the
January 2nd, 2002 at 12:19 am
hello, hope u all had a good new year apart from that incident with arthur! grrrrrrrr….off with his head!
December 26th, 2001 at 5:54 pm
shit u guys shud hav watched braindead last nite! loved that film!!! hehee
becca, i want some of ur marshmallows, i want to toast them so theyre crispy and runny wen i suk them. u can have my coconuts, i promise u can suk the milky part after uve found my hairy nipples
and to everyone else, i promise a hand job @ the body shop next time u visit! teehee
December 26th, 2001 at 5:49 pm
hello peeps!! hope u all had a nice xmas? i just stayed in my pjamas watching crap tv and wanked all day Oh i love u all!
i missed u guys on xmas eve, sorry. u shuda cum by body shop, i was workin there till 8pm!!! poo.
oh by the way, its sale time now - 10 Dowlla - but now down to 5 dawlla!! cu there paul
December 25th, 2001 at 7:58 pm
December 25th, 2001 at 2:35 am
Woo Woo!
December 20th, 2001 at 10:21 am
Yes, Yes i do have a sick, sad obsession with this site! please help me!yesterday was really fun! railway from 2 then cheapy cheap drinks in Bier Rex! oh what fun!! nice to see you your majesty! and bon bon too! she gave me a hand job at the bodyshop!! yay! Merry christmas all!! love Paul
December 16th, 2001 at 11:52 pm
hello all! god, all these msgs. i think that paul has an obession with this. dint you have nething better to do with ur time, u pleb?!
friday was great, pitty johnjo didnt fit throu the door! at least his smell lingered.
well, best be off to tend to my poodles. love from me. xxxxxxxxx
December 13th, 2001 at 2:09 pm
loser you are a loser boy!
this friday! everyone to the railway for queen borka’s birthday! you better be there!
December 6th, 2001 at 11:00 pm
Yes, you’re a poof with irritable double-clicking syndrome.
December 6th, 2001 at 10:02 am
i sent that twice i’m sorry i just dunno whats wrong wit me anymore! can anyone shed some light on the problem?
December 6th, 2001 at 10:00 am
dunno yet i’m homeless! wit no fone!!! argh!!
sadly we bumped into mischa yesterday!! BORING!!! he looks like mr neil-smith - super loser!! help me peeps!
December 5th, 2001 at 8:41 pm
I take it back. You are tres pretty. As pretty as a cross between Mischa and the late great Keddie!!!!!
I cannae come to Queen Reborka’s shindig but because I live in the same county as her royal highness I shall be sure to take her to KFC and share some popcorn chicken with her. WHERE’S BONNIE’S THING!???
December 5th, 2001 at 3:13 pm
December 5th, 2001 at 1:18 pm
OK, which of you bastards nicked my stereo?? when i find you…. GRRRRRRRR.. yes, the head unit, boot changer and all my cds gone. even had the cheek to take my bag to put it all in (so taking my damn project too!!)
anyway, does anyone want to put
December 5th, 2001 at 12:17 pm
Greetings from ‘Down Under’. I arrived here three days ago. The hotel is great - put the stuff into storage until I find a house. Dead cheap here you know.
Aussie birds are very easy going and the weather makes things even better!
Merry Christmas you strange f*ckers.
December 5th, 2001 at 11:24 am
This is an sos! anyone help me! thrown out of house need food and shelter! call ali to get in touch with me! got no fone! Help me
December 4th, 2001 at 10:59 am
Yes it is me! the real Paul O’Pee pee not queen borka pretending to be me!! Jones you twat don’t you dare imply that i’m the ugly one!! when it is so obviously not!! i could be any one of the dear ugly people we know! not us though hehe! ben you’d better stop agreeing /or listening to the tripe these peole put on your site about me! or i get very angry and i’ll get gowry to eat you! well at least bite you hard when you least expect it!!!! you know wat i mean!! Everyone give three cheers 4 queen borka whose birthday it is on the 10th!! buy her presents!! nothing under
December 4th, 2001 at 1:29 am
surely any picture will do then?
erm, well if anything is on this weekend, i’ll be sure to bring it out.. w00p w00p!
December 3rd, 2001 at 6:33 pm
I have returned from afar (woking town centre) and desire your royal reborkerishness to allow me to kiss her hand. HOW ARE YOU!???
Paul-Your a freak. What are these crazy posts you’ve been a posting? And the comment about me being a loser. Hmmm, YOU BETTER LOOK IN THE MIRROR BOY! On second thoughts dont,. I don’t want you to get nightmares from your freakish face!
Michelle-It was REALLY nice seeing you on Saturday. How I’ve missed you!
Gowry-Hurry up and smile Queen Bitch
December 1st, 2001 at 7:37 pm
December 1st, 2001 at 7:35 pm
Dear mr o’pee pee,
You application to the john jo university has been rejected for the 2743 time. please leave us alone or we will set a restrain order against u.
December 1st, 2001 at 7:32 pm
this loser Xcelr8 sounds just like my cup of tea! i want to meet you and then maybe we can………..
November 29th, 2001 at 11:11 am
RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! as if i would ever touch ben’s pants!!! eugh!! i think i’m going to vomit!! Queen borka have you been pretending your me again!! naughty naughty! this loser below me should die! la de da
November 25th, 2001 at 11:09 pm
What a suck-up. Still, this Paul person sounds like, how do you say - a poof.
November 22nd, 2001 at 10:35 pm
oh paul how nice that sounds… hmm, but let me think about this… you want me to ditch the single most greatest girl in the whole world for erm, you?!?
hehehehehe…. you poor sad little man you
November 22nd, 2001 at 12:09 am
i have a confession, i am so in love with ben. i stole ur underwear and wear them day and night, the smell around me make me so wet and horny. i think i want to marry you. get rid of gowry and u can live in my clit. mwahhh xxxxx
November 22nd, 2001 at 12:07 am
OFF with ur clothes…..i mean Off with ur head! i am queen borka and i will strangle you with my six willies.
November 22nd, 2001 at 12:06 am
i am the great, the powerful, the strongest. i defy anyone who speaks otherwise. i am Lord Johnjo, the one who killed harry potter’s parents with my one eyed snake and its eggs.
November 18th, 2001 at 12:27 pm
Oh bugger, left me bus pass at ‘ome again.
November 15th, 2001 at 10:50 am
Mr humpage is mark jones!!!???
oh my lordy!! if only i knew i would have been even meaner!! The club was so crap on saturday and i defy anyone who says it was not!! probably will see you this week!! the railway putney - friday or saturday!! you are all welcome to come!! - no freaks please except gowry of course!! love to you all
November 12th, 2001 at 1:20 pm
well hello…. Old bean,
Haven’t spoken to you in ages!!!
Hope your ok, love the site, very informative.
speak to you soon mate
November 11th, 2001 at 5:50 pm
yes mr o’leary, you have become a regular in these parts
Although Mr Humpage is quickly catching up, hope the club was good for all and hope to see you all next week
ali… who wants whose numba ? 
November 9th, 2001 at 1:26 pm
Hi Everyone,
Well, this is it - I’m emigrating to Melbourne. I’m fed up with the British women expecting so much but giving so little! I want an easy going Aussie bird.
I’ve booked myself a first-class ticket and I’m off next month. Don’t worry, I’ll say hello once I’m there! heh heh.
Must dash… Estate agent at the door with a prospective buyer…
November 8th, 2001 at 10:21 am
Hello hoe bored am i!!! colege is causing me to want to kill everyone around me!! I seem to sign this book everyday!! help me!!! How is everyone doing!! well i hope! I want to scratch my bum!1
November 8th, 2001 at 10:18 am
Well this mr Humpernickle man is sounding better by the day!! maybe you are not a prick!! give me a call!! i’m single well nearly ask ben to give you my number!! ha ha ha ha i am stupid
November 7th, 2001 at 4:53 pm
Hi there all you strange people.
Well, Mrs. Humpage is no more. I kicked her out of the house, literally, and then got one of those new super-quick divorces. She didn’t get half the house because I bought it entirely in the first place. Ha ha.
So, whilst looking around to replace her, I am thinking of emigrating to Melbourne, Australia to find Flic from Neighbours before she ‘comes’ over to the UK and gets really famous. heh heh
That’s it for now. Have a new email address - hope it works.
Until next time…
November 6th, 2001 at 12:52 pm
Michell frangoose
why don’t you join in the fun and sign the guestbook you silly cow
11 do it now!! Marcus hupernickle is a fool and yes we are from this black hole you talk of now go away you prick!!
November 6th, 2001 at 12:47 pm
Nice to see that i am not on your list of “friends” but that scag Ali is!!! thanx!!! You better get your camera fixed soon so you can put up some more disgusting pictures of us!!
To Borka: U is a porka girl who is obsessed wit John-jo!! you need to get a life like me!!! ha ha!! we will ule the world!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Wit your six dicks and my great clit no one can stop us!!
November 6th, 2001 at 12:41 pm
I would like to apply for the John-poe course!!! i have been practising and have eaten 5 million sheep!! i know this is nowhere near the standard of a John- but is good? no? And please has anyone found my clit???
November 4th, 2001 at 1:45 am
Dear all,
applications for the john-…. degree are now being accepted. you can choose from:
November 4th, 2001 at 1:41 am
hello, its me paul o’pee pee. can anyone tell me where my clit has gone? i cant find it? its huge, u cant miss it. love paul o’pee pee!
November 4th, 2001 at 1:39 am
paul o’pee pee: u and i are going to rule the world, pack ur toothbrush!
alfie: when is our walk?
gow gow: i want my sticker
ben: DVD!
love queen borka xxxxxxxxxxx
November 2nd, 2001 at 4:47 pm
So more galleries to come then? Bugger. Who are all these nutters? Have they somehow climbed out of a very deep black hole?
Sorry if you have been unable to contact me. I will be changing my address at the request of Mrs. Humpage. When she complained, I told her to know her limits but then I got some that night so I agreed to change it. Will update you…
October 31st, 2001 at 4:47 pm
no the camera is still about, just a bit scratched where i dropped it
more photos going up soon 
October 30th, 2001 at 12:50 pm
I know many of these “friends” and now will release my views on them all!!
Gowry looks like a monkey on heat, Ali is a skinny wretch who goes out with the most disturbingly ugly boy in the world…harry. This mark jones is a loser!! Borka is a real porka who doesn’t look like john-jo at all (althought she wishes it!). Richard = tosser, Rupert = ?hmmm?. Michelle frangoose is smelly> the only sane handsome fab person is me!! paul although it doesn’t look like it from those pictures but really i am!!! love to you all except for you - bitch!!
October 30th, 2001 at 12:44 pm
October 30th, 2001 at 12:43 pm
Who dares to impercinate moi?!?!?! and who dares to think that they are the loyal servant of Queen Borka!! I am You leave her be!! Get well ben!
October 28th, 2001 at 10:39 pm
So is the photo gallery getting a little too annoying to update, or has the camera been thrown into the back of the cupboard for evermore? (There’s always hope)
September 24th, 2001 at 7:53 pm
Hi ben, thanks for helping us out when we needed your help most!!!!!!
Anyway u can’t use my network to upload your holiday snaps!!!!!!
September 12th, 2001 at 11:53 am
mini carb neone?
September 4th, 2001 at 6:02 pm
hi Ben & Gowry
Great to read that u are both having a great time.
cold here, summer’sgone !!!
See you when u get back
August 21st, 2001 at 12:27 am
has anyone seen my TWEEESERS!?
August 21st, 2001 at 12:24 am
i have just taking a dump and i cant reach to wipe my bum…..can someone help me?
August 17th, 2001 at 12:37 pm
Donde esta la plaza de touros?
August 4th, 2001 at 5:26 pm
donkey will always smell and have flys swarming around her but we will forever love her.
August 4th, 2001 at 5:18 pm
hello ben, cool website bad pictures of me though you are a terrible photographer and could learn a few tips from the best which is me.you can contact me i charge a reasonable rate for my services cause in honesty u need help (only joking) see u soon olivia xxx
August 3rd, 2001 at 4:35 pm
And how comes I’m not one of your friends? You don’t have many friends do you?
August 3rd, 2001 at 4:31 pm
Bonjour Mr Griffiths
Well I thought I should make you look more popular but we all know the truth that you just keep on mailing to yourself (changeing the names obviosly) Well See you in college on monday
July 31st, 2001 at 5:21 pm
Good Squire, hold my majestic hand.
July 30th, 2001 at 7:44 pm
Hail Queen Borka!
July 30th, 2001 at 6:52 pm
borka rules!!!
July 19th, 2001 at 11:35 pm
Im zaks little sister, he told me about your website and i found it really cool to read. You gotto get rid off the old school pic!!
July 12th, 2001 at 9:46 am
How insulting!!!
July 10th, 2001 at 5:05 pm
Who is pretending to be reborka!? i didnt eat harry’s foot with chips it was with cheese. yum yum
July 9th, 2001 at 3:26 pm
I ate your foot harry, with chips. It was delicious!
July 7th, 2001 at 4:53 pm
I had ur foot harry, but i sold it.
July 7th, 2001 at 4:29 am
where is everybody??? dont forget me….. im still ickle….
i’m a very lost piglet…. boohoo!!!!
July 4th, 2001 at 2:25 pm
I woke up this morning and noticed that my left foot has gone missing. If anybody has seen it or mistaken it for their foot could they give me a call as soon as possible as i am finding walking rather difficult at the moment. Thanks!
July 4th, 2001 at 2:19 pm
hello ben this is jesus, i just happened to be surfing the internet and came accross your wbsite. I’m very impressed - keep up the good work
July 3rd, 2001 at 2:55 pm
Look at this trove,
treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here you think,
She/he s got everything.
I got Ciggies and Drinkies aplenty,
I got rabies and herpes galore,
You want HIV? I got plenty,
But who cares? No big deal. I want moreeeeeeee
July 3rd, 2001 at 2:47 pm
look at this stuff
isnt it neat?
wouldn’t u think my collections complete?
wouldn’t u think im the girl/boy
the girl/boy who has everything……………………….blah blah blah!
July 3rd, 2001 at 2:45 pm
infatuated with borka!!? that’s prob u mr jones!! hee hee! thump thump thump bah bahh bahh!!
nice pics ben, i think u have an obsession with ur digi cam!
love borka!
July 2nd, 2001 at 11:56 pm
I ate them
July 2nd, 2001 at 6:26 pm
Has anyone seen my shoes?
July 2nd, 2001 at 1:49 pm
That ‘dirty trench coat’ is MINE! I want it back. I only left it there for a minute and Ben steals it.
By the way Ben, no one can get to the ball photos. FIX THEM and GET SOME THUMBNAILS
July 2nd, 2001 at 1:57 am
I’d just like to say that Ben found a dirty trench coat hanging in an alley way and he wore it all Saturday night ewwwwwww
June 29th, 2001 at 5:39 pm
Who keeps writing these stupid poems?! I reckon its Narinda (Gowry).
Ben, hurry up and put up the ball photos!!!
See u @ Harrys.
June 27th, 2001 at 1:24 pm
Becky, u don’t wear speckys.
In your luverly apparatus
Eyes of starlight
Voice of milkshake
You eat McChicken Sandwich
I eat Big Mac.
June 26th, 2001 at 6:35 pm
I thought its about time i signed ur guestbook! Well done bengy its lookin good. It would look alot better if it didn’t contain pic of me standin in fields lookin suicidal!
but lov the rest of the pics, v. funny.
love you
your ghekko
June 21st, 2001 at 10:57 am
this is a wikid site, luv da pixs from friday nite& my bday!!! i was pretty much makin the most of the drinks post-Alevel! yet i was kissin the loo the very next day. hmmm….. ohwell! u madman! i agree with borka-more photos pls!!! and take that shite one off with me and paul!!! 
…and smile!
luv, bonbonxxxxxxxxxx
June 18th, 2001 at 12:24 pm
Ode to pretty lady…
Borka Oh Borka
You ain’t no Porka
Have my Babies?
With luv from an anonymous internet user
June 11th, 2001 at 4:17 pm
Great work on the photo album….I want more pictures of me dammit!
Keep updating those pages….it’ll be much much betters.
Yours truly. Mr Fish
May 24th, 2001 at 3:08 pm
Armaan get off the internet, how many times do I have to tell you!!!!
Ben’s not really popular, he’s paid me to sign his guest book.
May 24th, 2001 at 3:07 pm
thanks for the web site
May 15th, 2001 at 5:16 pm
ben ben ben!!!
ahhh….wicked! love the photos! u need MORE of the one and only borka to prove that they exist!
neway keep putting more photos on!
love borka xxx
p.s rembember our OLD motto: “who need’s……..when u’ve got friends!” hee hee
May 14th, 2001 at 11:30 pm
Well done Benji! Yet another brilliantly designed website, im very proud of you, i know how much effort you put into it :)Wish you didnt put them pics of me on it though, you know how much i hate them!!
May 14th, 2001 at 11:08 pm
C’mon people, sign my guestbook and make me look popular